วันอาทิตย์, กรกฎาคม 17, 2548

My very first blog

Hello world- i am here!!! Ik ben hieeeeeerrr!
Mick has done an excellent job of writing about whats been happening. Just now we are excited about our new mansion-home. I am also busy doing lots of hours at the backpackers, working on 2 conferences i am volunteering at and doing uni work.

Last week we had two fun nights out on the piss: Thurs night Mick and I helped with the 'Thursday Night Greenhouse Backpackers Pub Crawl' which went to Charles Dickens English Tavern, Soft Belly and Eleven-a. We were in charge of leading 60 backpackers 7 blocks from Soft Belly to Eleven-a and making sure noone got lost on the way- does this sound like a kindergarten excursion to you? haha. After Meagan finished helping a girl throw-up who had passed out on the toilet floor (the perks of the job!), Meags took Mick, 2 German girls, 2 Mexican dudes (who were after the same 1 German girl), 1 Indian girl and another German boy to a rock bar called Cherry, off Flinders Lane. Thurs night seems to be classic soul night there and the DJ is no younger than 70 years old but you should see how busy the place is with funky rockers getting down on the dancefloor. We had a good boogie.

Friday night after Meags finished work, Mick and Tashi (Meags' best friend) met her at Revolver, the Chapel St institution: open 24 hours over the weekend. Georgia (Meags' other best friend) and her Brazilian boy, Romano also came along and we also hooked up again with some dudes from the backpackers who Mick enjoyed playing pinball with! For those of you who don't know, Revolver is 1) a rock venue that features good local and touring bands and acts 2) a place that people go to when everything else is shut around town and they want to continue partying throughout the day. Its filled with comfy couches, pool tables, art installations, graffiti and posters all over the roof and walls and plays great music! We stayed till about 1:30 but Meags was falling asleep so we just stopped by a famous Souvlaki place to get a quick bite before bed :) then jumped into a taxi home. The taxi driver entertained us with stories of all the women passengers who try to give him a 'little more' than just the taxi fare ;)


At 8:36 หลังเที่ยง, Anonymous ไม่ระบุชื่อ said...

What's up!
Lance rock de tour, maar daar zul je wdaar weinig van mee krijgen.
FF geen tijd om dat hel blog (nog nooit van dat woord gehoord) te lezen, maar moest toch wat van me laten horen, Oja Kalou wil naar psv, dus degradatie lijkt me spoedig aan de orde. Enjoy


At 9:17 หลังเที่ยง, Anonymous ไม่ระบุชื่อ said...

Yo, yo Mick

Coole blog en een super idee zal het vaker checken.
Zo te lezen ben je lekker aan het intergreren (bah vies woord)
Huis ziet er helemaal top uit.
Good luck on u !
Spreek je laterszzzzz




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